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Apple Juice Project
01.2.25 — 20:00
Working with local cider-maker Kernow Bevvies, we produced around 450 bottles of pure, pasteurised apple juice, which we sold at our Community Larders for £1 a bottle.
Larder Birthday Celebrations
01.2.25 — 19:29
We celebrated our second anniversary at the beginning of this year, and to mark the occasion we had a small party at Berries Community Café.
Climate Café Listening Circle in Bude
01.1.25 — 19:48
The first Climate Café Listening Circle was on 22nd January at Neetside Community Centre, and was well-attended.
More Warmer Homes in Bude this Winter
01.1.25 — 19:38
Thanks to a £1420 grant from The Naturesave Trust, Sustainable Bude CIC is delighted to be running its radiator insulation programme again this year.
Bude Community Larder Now has 2 Venues and Days.
15.6.24 — 10:35
The Bude Community Larder has now added another weekly sessions at the Berries Community Cafe on Saturdays between 11am and 12pm.
Climate Cafe
24.3.24 — 19:39
Sustainable Bude is delighted to be part of this wonderful project - a network of climate cafe training and practice across Cornwall. We’ll post more details as training dates and locations in North Cornwall are arranged but please do email us if this is something you’d like to be part of, either as a facilitator or participant. More information here. "Facing the climate crisis is so much easier in good company" - Transition Together
Hungry For Change
04.12.23 — 11:41
We had a great turnout for our showing of the Cornwall Climate Care film "Hungry for Change" last Friday. If you missed it, you can watch it here. Thanks to everyone who came along, Atlantic Fungi Cooperative for sponsoring the event and providing the mushroom toasts, Bude Friends of the Earth for their support and for the Co-op for providing the refreshments and continued support for the Bude community larder. We also announced the exciting news that Transition Bude has changed its name to Sustainable Bude.
100 Warmer Homes
15.10.23 — 15:56
ENERGY ECONOMY The scheme is designed to help people in the Bude-Stratton area to save on their energy bills while also reducing the energy they consume. By fitting reflective radiator insulation, more heat is retained in the home, meaning you will use less fuel while staying warm. The reflective material is cut to size and hung behind external-wall radiators, leaving a small air gap to increase efficiency. There is no need to remove radiators or fix the reflectors, so there is no mess, fuss or damage to property.
Repair Cafe
15.10.23 — 15:54
Are you handy with a socket set, know your way around a sewing machine, are good at organising or make a dam good chocolate cake? If so, have you thought about volunteering for Repair Café Bude? Since opening, this monthly event has repaired over 100 items, stopping them from going to landfill and giving them a new lease of life. Run by volunteers and supported by Neetside Community Centre, Repair Café Bude volunteers share their skills with those bringing items for repair helping them to learn simple home repairs for the future. Volunteering with us can include helping to meet and greet those bringing items in, making and serving cakes and refreshments, helping to navigate people to the repair stations or being an active repairer. Often repairs are shared, discussed and resolved by repairers working together and advising each other in a supportive environment and our volunteers find the social aspect of volunteering at Repair Café a big plus. If you’re interested in becoming a Repa...
Community Larder
18.5.23 — 12:29
It makes no sense to throw away perfectly good food when it can still be used to make delicious meals and snacks. To help reduce surplus food from local businesses going to waste, Transition Bude has recently started a Community Larder in Bude. We collect bread, pastries, fruit and vegetables, eggs, chilled food and snacks that are all perfectly good to eat, even if their Best Before date has expired. What is a Community Larder? Community larders are open to everyone and enable us to reduce food waste by taking surplus food collected from supermarkets and giving people a chance to use it. This helps to reduce our impact on the environment and helps save money – everyone’s a winner! When is the Community Larder open? At the moment we are open on Wednesday afternoons 2-3pm in Bude Library and the final Saturday of each month at 10.30am, at the Neetside Centre, timed to coincide with the Repair Café. We are hoping to open more frequently soon. Does it cost ...
Gardening For Nature
01.10.22 — 15:04
ENVIRONMENT FOOD “The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” EVENT ONE As part of “Great Big Green Week” we ran a “Gardening for Nature” event on 1st October 2022 to encourage people to garden for nature and grow their own vegetables. Our event comprised of expert speakers and local environmental and gardening groups to provide information and inspiration to attendees. At the event we will ask attendees to sign up for our mailing list and also make a pledge for nature, to commit to gardening in a more nature-friendly way. Our gardens give us an incredible opportunity to tackle some of the huge challenges we are facing - we can support our struggling wildlife, reduce our impact on the climate crisis and even reduce our food and water bills! Transition Bude in association with Bude Friends of the Earth and Cornwall Council are putting on the first of a seri...
Bude Loves Local
10.7.21 — 15:55
Our reimagining survey revealed that one of Bude's priorities was buying local products - but they're not always easy to spot. 'Bude Loves Local' aimed to help. Transition Bude launched its 'support local' initiative. The trial of ‘Bude Loves Local’ took place from 10th-24th July. The local shopping initiative focussed not only on local shops but primarily on local products, helping us all to lower our carbon footprint when we shop. Stickers helped shoppers find products that have been made or grown in the South-West, Cornwall or right here in Bude. We ran a 2 week launch promoted by stickers, posters and leaflets telling shoppers all about the scheme - there was even a competition with some great prizes which encouraged everyone to go and explore what's on our doorstep - independent shops with local products that help make Bude so special. The scheme, with over 50 outlets, was widely appreciated – the design of the logo and other publicity material receiving overwhe...
Seedlings to Schools
15.5.21 — 15:52
We were successful in our application for a small grant from the Transition: Bounce Forward project, funded by The National Lottery Community Fund., distributed by Transition Network, to get us up and running in Spring 2021. Our mission was to grow enough seedlings (peppers, chillies, tomatoes, strawberries, peas, beans) to give one plant to every primary school child in Bude and Stratton (nearly 1000!) plus have some to give away at Bude Artisan Market, all with the aim of getting more people into growing their own food, seeing how easy and rewarding it is. In July 2021 Transition Bude’s Growing Club donated 830 fruit and vegetable plants to Bude and Stratton Primary Schools. To encourage green fingers in all the primary-aged schoolchildren in Bude and Stratton, Transition Bude’s Growing Club has donated a plant to every single one of them. That’s 830 tomatoes, sweet peppers, chillies, strawberries, peas and beans, delivered to Bude Primary Academy and Stratton Primary Sc...
Transition Streets
15.3.21 — 15:58
We sorted through the comments made during the ‘Reimagining’ events and our survey to find people who wanted to both save money and reduce their carbon footprint by joining a (virtual) Transition Streets Group, or becoming a Carbon Buddy, working through one of the comprehensive manuals, with other like-minded individuals. Click on the covers below to watch a short video introduction to each project. We have a limited supply of both manuals to give away on a first come first served basis. If you would like to get involved, or would like to know more, please get in touch. Carbon Buddy Manuals are for smaller groups of 2-3 self motivated people, possibly in the same household. Of course we are always here to lend a hand if you get stuck. Transition Streets meetings are for individuals who would like to join a larger support group (via Zoom) and work with a member of the Transition Bude team. Every week (well, almost every week), my Buddy and I sit down ...
Growing Club Films
15.2.21 — 15:53
The gardening group are always busy on the small-holding, planting beans and peas, potting up strawberry ‘babies’ and getting ready for each new season. They produced fortnightly videos on how to start your own growing at home, whether you have a garden, patio, balcony or window-sill. More can be found on the Facebook group ‘Transition Bude growing Club’.
In Conversation Films
11.6.20 — 16:14
In Conversation 1 On Thursday 11th June at 7.30pm we hosted an online conversation about life after Coronavirus with people who have been instrumental in founding local projects in Bude – Rob Uhlig (Journalist, Town Councillor and Bude Coastal Community Team Steering Group), Lou Whelan (Content Creator and Founding Director of the Refill Shop), Eilidh MacCormick (Teacher and Repair Cafe Organiser) and Martin Dorey (Writer, Environmental Activist and lead of the 2 Minute Foundation). The event started with a session where we talked with our guests about what inspired them, how they are currently affected by lockdown measures, the challenges we face in the coming decade, and what visions they have for a future Bude. This was followed by the opportunity for those attending to ask guests any questions they have about how we can build back better here in Bude. In Conversation 2 On Thursday 9th July at 7.15pm we hosted our second online conversation, this time about the natural en...
Film Nights
01.5.20 — 13:36
We ran a series of film nights to bring the local community together. Each event was accompanied by an update on our projects and time to mingle and make new friends and plans. January 2020 – Tomorrow May 2020 – In Transition 2.0 (online) Feb 2021 – This Good Earth We were very lucky to have film maker Robert Golden join us for an online screening of his new film, This Good Earth on Thursday 18th February at 7pm. It'll be like having VIP tickets at a film premiere without having to leave home! Hopefully we'll see you all there. July 2021 – Circular Economy – An evening in the (virtual) company of thought leaders; Kate Raworth, Ellen MacArthur and Tom Szaky, demystified subjects such as Doughnut Economics and the Circular Economy and demonstrate how a healthy economy can thrive. Jan 2022 – An evening with Cornwall Climate Care: Screenings of Plenty of Fish; Living On The Edge
What If...
15.4.20 — 16:30
We were excited to welcome Rob Hopkins, the founder of the Transition Network, to speak about the power of imagination and give us all the chance to imagine the future we would like to see by answering the question, What if......? After a fantastic session with Rob Hopkins we held the second of our launch events where the public could get involved. This event in October gave us the chance to discuss how Bude can respond to the changing world we live in. We asked how the residents of Bude should respond to the climate crisis? What impact had the Coronavirus pandemic had on our local priorities? How could we live healthy, happy and meaningful lives in the face of these interconnected challenges?
Reimaginging Bude Survey
07.4.20 — 13:41
We have now analysed the responses to our survey and produced a report which we are delighted to share with you. Thank you so much for taking the time to help us build a picture of the future people want for Bude, Stratton and surrounding villages.