Project News

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We sorted through the comments made during the ‘Reimagining’ events and our survey to find people who wanted to both save money and reduce their carbon footprint by joining a (virtual) Transition Streets Group, or becoming a Carbon Buddy, working through one of the comprehensive manuals, with other like-minded individuals.

Click on the covers below to watch a short video introduction to each project. We have a limited supply of both manuals to give away on a first come first served basis. If you would like to get involved, or would like to know more, please get in touch.



Carbon Buddy Manuals are for smaller groups of 2-3 self motivated people, possibly in the same household. Of course we are always here to lend a hand if you get stuck.





Transition Streets meetings are for individuals who would like to join a larger support group (via Zoom) and work with a member of the Transition Bude team.


Every week (well, almost every week), my Buddy and I sit down for a chat - on our phones or tablets, guided by the Carbon Buddy Manual. It is nicely paced and gives us an opportunity to think about the choices we make. 


Some things come easily to us - for instance, neither of us is particularly interested in fashion or cosmetics, while others provide more of a challenge - poor public transport options make it difficult to reduce car use as much as we might like.


We find the approach of this manual to be supportive and non-judgemental and feel that it is a thought provoking, gentle push, for those who have started taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint and would appreciate some pointers on what to do next, to tread more lightly on this earth.