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Thanks to a £1420 grant from The Naturesave Trust, Sustainable Bude CIC is delighted to be running its radiator insulation programme again this year.


With its team of volunteers, we are offering to visit homes in the Bude-Stratton area and install foil reflectors to radiators on external walls which will help to keep more of the heat produced within the home rather than escaping and being lost to the outside.


The process is quick, simple and free to end users - whether renting or homeowners with minimal fuss, no mess and no need to remove radiators. 


The foil is estimated to reflect back 95% of the heat from the radiator and help reduce heating bills by around 6%, year after year.  


At current rates, that would save (based on average figures) around £110 per year.


Radiator insulation is getting more attention as a relatively simple yet effective method of saving money, as featured in the BBC’s Sliced Bread programme (you can listen here) in which Greg Foot investigates some of the more cost-effective ways to insulate your home and asks if cheap insulation hacks keep the cold out an help reduce energy bills.


None of this would have been possible once again without our great team of volunteers and funding from The Naturesave Trust which is funded by the activities of Naturesave Insurance, the UK’s leading ethical insurance provider for individuals, businesses, charities and community groups.   


We are very grateful for the funding as well as our great team of volunteers.