local climate
friendly projects

Sustainable Bude is a community-led group of volunteers that exists to strengthen the local economy, reduce our environmental impact and build our resilience for a future with a changing climate.
One Project at a Time.


The Bude Community Larder has now added another weekly sessions at the Berries Community Cafe on Saturdays between 1 and 2pm.


Look out for our flag which shows when we're running a session. 


Everyone welcome and the food is free (donations welcome). Please come along and help us fight food waste!




100 Warmer Homes

The scheme is designed to help people in the Bude-Stratton area to save on their energy bills while also reducing the energy they consume. By fitting reflective radiator insulation, more heat is retained in the home, meaning you will use less fuel while staying warm.  

The reflective material is cut to size and hung behind external-wall radiators, leaving a small air gap to increase efficiency. There is no need to remove radiators or fix the reflectors, so there is no mess, fuss or damage to property.


Hungry for Change


Film Screening: Hungry for Change – an inspiring look at green Cornish solutions to food waste. Plus stalls and presentations from local Cornish producers and organisations.


Free snacks and soft drinks, donations welcome.

Our Videos

In Conversation

Community conversations and question sessions from near and far. From local environmental project leads to the leading light of the Transition movement, Rob Hopkins.

Growing Club

The gardening group are always busy on the small-holding, planting beans and peas, potting up strawberry ‘babies’ and getting ready for each new season. They produced fortnightly videos on how to start your own growing at home, whether you have a garden, patio, balcony or window-sill.

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